🚀 NaNoWriMo Loses Sponsor Due to AI Dispute
posted 5 Sept 2024
NaNoWriMo, the nonprofit known for its annual novel-writing contest, recently lost four board members and a key financial sponsor after it stated that rejecting artificial intelligence amounted to class inequality and discrimination against people with disabilities.
The organization argued that AI could help make the contest more accessible to participants with cognitive and physical challenges. However, many writers, including those with disabilities, voiced their disagreement, claiming they can compete successfully without AI.
Writers also denounced the use of disability rights as a rationale for introducing AI into creative endeavors. Moreover, most writers accused AI developers of violating copyright laws and opposed the use of AI in such competitions.
Generative AI empowers not the artist, not the writer, but the tech industry. It steals content to remake content, graverobbing existing material to staple together its Frankensteinian idea of art and story,shared Chuck Wendig, the author of Star Wars: Aftermath.
NaNoWriMo already faced controversy, when it announced plans to use AI in the evaluation of contest submissions. Following the recent incident, the organization revised its statement, mentioning unethical AI developers and advocating for a cautious approach, yet refrained from condemning or banning AI use in the competition.
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