A school in the UAE offers to pay for education with cryptocurrency

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Photo - A school in the UAE offers to pay for education with cryptocurrency
The Dubai-based Citizens School, starting in September 2022, offers to pay for education with cryptocurrency. It will be a pioneering school in the Middle East, providing parents with flexible payment options in both fiat and digital money.
According to the ZAWYA portal, Citizens School plans to use the most popular cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). This was made possible due to the adoption of the first law on the regulation of digital assets by the Dubai government. Cryptocurrency payments can be made through an e-currency platform that automatically converts cryptocurrencies into dirhams (AED). As school founder Dr. Adil Alzarooni says, cryptocurrency is changing the classical system of finance as much as Citizens School is transforming the educational sphere. The educational institution is rethinking all elements of the learning process from the choice of clothing for students to payment methods. The founder added that the team expects to strengthen the role of younger generations in the development of the country’s digital economy due to the introduction of an innovative payment system. This is of particular importance, because it is today’s schoolchildren who will become tomorrow's businessmen and investors.